Gasch Design Architectural Mosaic
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Artist Statement

There is always more than first meets the eye in my work. In it's amazing natural forms the stone itself tells a story, which takes millions of years to unfold. In conjunction with shape, shadows, light and imagery, each material add to the overall work. By posing simple questions while beholding a complex storyline, each layer is a new chapter. Through simplistic yet strong images I strive to pose questions that many of us can relate to in our daily lives. After both physical and mental examination, I want to draw viewers into each layer, their relationships to one another, and the question at hand.


Michael Gasch began his experimentations with mosaics twelve years ago. Inspired by his Italian heritage, an extensive background in the trades, and a passion for fine art, Michael has embarked on a new approach to architectural art. Over the years he has expanded on traditional mosaic techniques to create a variety of new techniques that have enabled him to put forth a wide range of projects using an even wider range of materials. Michael creates a variety of works with the mindset of both artist and craftsman, allowing him to fully understand all aspects of each project. Architectural works and fine art mosaic wall hangings provide the bulk of the projects done in Michael's studio, Gasch Design.

Michael began his fascination with stone and durable materials through travel and adventure. This immersion into the natural environment and a hands-on relationship with traditional mosaic materials fuels Michael's passion for architectural mosaics of all types.

608-469-7276 | © Gasch Design 2011